Testimonials from our employees.
The elements of people, process, technology and organization are of fundamental importance for a transformation. People (customers + employees) are a key success factor, which is why they are the focus of all considerations.
“In my position as a consultant at grandega, I support the project management of a major German bank in planning and monitoring the budget. I also supervise and coordinate internal and external project staff, as well as the purchase and extension of software solutions. This requires close contact with Purchasing and Controlling at all times. Due to the close links between the project and neighboring projects, my tasks also include coordinating with other projects. What I particularly appreciate about my position is that I was able to take on a lot of responsibility right from the start and work on all tasks independently. This enables me to learn a lot of new things quickly and make lots of contacts. As a PMO, it is important to keep an eye on all upcoming tasks and to always follow up on stagnating processes to drive the project forward. That’s why I’ve not only learned a lot about different processes, such as how to calculate working hours, but also how to stay on top of critical processes and not lose sight of the goal. My personal highlights are my colleagues, who are always there to help and advise me. I also managed to reach a project milestone that seemed unattainable at times.”
“As a consultant in the energy sector, I oversee the rollout of the current Windows operating system. The range of tasks here is very diverse. For example, I coordinate the software used in the departments with the respective department coordinators, application readiness, but also budget planning and license management. This broad spectrum gives me a great insight into various topics and specialist areas. The project particularly promotes my further development in the areas of IT project management and rollout management. Communication with various divisions and also with the users of the software is an essential part of my work. This allows me to develop my skills in many different ways, both professionally and personally. I can make full use of my strong organizational skills and structured working methods. And I’m delighted that this adds so much value to the project.”
“As a consultant at a major German bank, I am in charge of a global project, where I am mainly involved in the technical part in addition to the structural organization. The continuous development of the project also includes designing a process in such a way that it enables an optimal workflow and the interaction of stakeholders from different hierarchical levels. Working as a consultant is particularly exciting because you can gain a lot of experience in different industries and, in detail, in differently organized departments. But the social working environment is also constantly changing due to the different projects, which makes working as a consultant even more challenging. You constantly experience new situations and go through a steep learning curve to develop your soft skills. Thanks to your own experience and the expertise of your colleagues, you quickly develop a very good exchange within the team, learn from each other and thus expand your own knowledge base. My personal highlight is the different characters and technical experts that I get to know, which has also expanded my network incredibly. Without this collaboration, my professional and personal development would not be possible.
How can you imagine working at grandega internally? As soon as you start your position as a consultant in the company, you’re already in the thick of things. From initial support tasks and training courses to get to know the team and the company environment better, I very quickly became co-responsible for my own area and thus virtually a co-owner. Here I support my colleague and work on the further development of the area’s topics. I have complete freedom when it comes to operational implementation. That’s great, because it means I can contribute my ideas and discuss them in the plenum. Self-realization is (fortunately) not just an empty phrase here.”
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We are convinced that everyone must have a reason for getting up in the morning. Here you can find out what ours is and what values we embody in our work.
We are looking for you.
We are convinced that everyone must have a reason for getting up in the morning. Here you can find out what ours is and what values we embody in our work.
Contact us.
Let’s optimize your transformation together. We are looking forward to your message or call!

+49 (0) 6196 9213454

Rahmannstraße 11, 65760 Eschborn