Stefanie Biberger.

Founder + Managing Partner |

Stefanie Biberger.

Founder + Managing Partner |
low poly fire

What I’m passionate about

My passion is to ensure that your customers' eyes light up with enthusiasm on their journeys. That's why I focus consulting on customer needs, brand positioning and your company's sales format at all times. Internally at grandega, I am passionate about corporate development: about optimizing grandega every day so that it remains the management consultancy that shapes heroes (and heroines, of course!).​

low poly hand heart

Describe grandega in 3 words

Cordiality, togetherness, dynamism.

low poly

A wise person once said...

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.


My best experience as a consultant so far

Whenever "That won't work" turned into "Oh, right, that would work".



Stefanie knows retail both on an operational level and on a strategic-conceptual level. She was able to acquire her theoretical retail knowledge as part of her dual studies in International Retail Management at the Ingolstadt University of Technology and in Oxford. At the same time, she gained valuable practical experience in long-term practical assignments. In the past, Stefanie has advised both online and offline retailers as well as consumer goods manufacturers in various retail sectors. She always focuses on customer needs, brand positioning and the client’s retail format. Her quick comprehension and her structured and solution-oriented way of working are particularly noteworthy.

  • Trade (Wholesale and Retail)
  • Consumer Goods Industry